Poster pour Des étoiles

Des étoiles

1 h 28 min
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Des étoiles

1 h 28 min


Turin, Dakar, New York. Sophie, Abdoulaye, Thierno. Three destinies crossing each other’s paths, echoing one another, delineating a constella- tion of exile.

Sophie, 22 years old, leaves Dakar to join her husband Abdoulaye in Turin. However, Abdoulaye has left for New York, through a smuggler’s network. 19-year-old Thierno is traveling to Africa for the first time.

Under the Starry Sky takes us on a journey with these three characters, scouring and wandering among the diversity of cities across three continents, confronting us with the realities, hopes and dreams of contemporary emigration.

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Dyana Gaye

Release Date

1 May 2015
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